A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers . the term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive 低智商者指智力水平在三岁小孩以下,听不懂连贯话语,也不会提防普通危险的智力有严重障碍的人。这个词现在已不用来区别人的类型,现在被认为有对人不友好的意思
Stepwise multiple regressions revealed that students with mild or moderate mental retardation or their parents with higher socioeconomic status tended to have better transition skills than those with severe or profound mental retardation , or from households of lower socioeconomic status 就一般转衔技能预测情形而言,个人因素之性别与障碍程度,家庭因素之家长教育程度与职业等级,及教育因素之转衔资讯提供频率与来源,均对一般转衔技能表现有较高的预测力。
Stepwise multiple regressions revealed that students with mild or moderate mental retardation or their parents with higher socioeconomic status tended to have better transition skills than those with severe or profound mental retardation , or from households of lower socioeconomic status 就一般转衔技能预测情形而言,个人因素之性别与障碍程度,家庭因素之家长教育程度与职业等级,及教育因素之转衔信息提供频率与来源,均对一般转衔技能表现有较高的预测力。